

  1)Which is more common ¹) CKD causing hypertension ²) hypertension causing CKD ANS AS PER DATA  GLOBAL BURDEN OF HYPERTENSION ON POPULATION IS 30% i.e., 1.3 billions  GLOBAL BURDEN OF CKD ON POPULATION IS 13.4% Severe hypertension causes vascular damage, tubular damage So this causes chronic kidney disease  As per data hypertension causing CKD IS more common 2) at what levels of urea and creatinine diuretics won't work and dialysis is recommended Ans) Urea levels-35.7mmol/litre Creatinine levels- 29%  As kidneys are severely damaged the urine cannot be excreted so there is no use in taking diuretics for edema so then dialysis is recommended.

A 76 year old female with pedal edema

  This is an online E-log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.  This E log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable comments on comment box is welcome. I've been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of "Patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and prognosis A 76 year old female came to the general medicine OPD with CHIEF COMPLAINTS   Pedal edema since 4 days Shortness of breath since 4 days HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS   Patient is apparently a

2nd internal exam


My experience with general cellular and neural cellular pathology in a CBBLE

  MY EXPERIENCES WITH GENERAL CELLULAR AND NEURAL CELLULAR PATHOLOGY IN A CASE BASED BLENDED LEARNING ECOSYSTEM'S CBBLE Hi I am Kvn Sudheer, a medical student from India. This blog is a collection of cases reviewed by me under the guidance of my seniors. This blog aims to elaborate on cases, their treatments and increase our understanding of patient care at the undergraduate level. Enjoying the reading... The cases which gave me a spark to learn more and more of general medicine today I am sharing some cases which might give you a spark as well and enjoy the journey of knowing the unknown world of general medicine... Warm regards KVN SUDHEER KUMAR NOTE The below provided cases for discussion are shared after taking the consent of the patients. CASE 1 A patient who was suffering from BPPV and vestibular neuritis. As a medical enthusiast, i got a case where my patient is suffering from giddiness and balance. She had a lot

CNS case

PRELIMINARY DETAILS  Name : Ramulamma Age: 67 Sex: female Occupation: Daily wage worker 15 yrs back Address: motkur Chief complaints Giddiness since 1 week History of present illness Patient was apparently asymptomatic  1 week ago then she developed giddiness which was sudden onset History of 3 episodes in 1 week Each last for 1 or 2 mins then she recovers completely In the last episode while drinking water she fell down and got injured and treated and came to hospital No history of tinnitus, hearing loss, Vomiting, headach, ear pain, fever. Her conditions relieved on sitting Past history Known case of seizures of GTCS variety Known case of meningioma 12 yrs back No history of DM , HTN , TB, Asthama Personal history Diet- mixed Sleep- adequate Appetite - decreased Regular bowel and bladder moments No addictions Surgical history Fracture in left limb GENERAL EXAMINATION  Patient was conscious and coherent Cooperative Built - moderate Nourishment - moderately nourished Pallor - absent Cy


  Preliminary details   Name: Mangamma Age: 45 Sex: Female Occupation: Saree loom business  Address: Bogaram Chief complaints Weakness in both legs Fell down when tried to standup and hit her head to ground Vomiting History of present illness Patient was apparently asymptomatic 5days back  MONDAY  she felt weakness and tremors She was unable to grasp the water glass when tried to drink water TUESDAY she was unable to walk due to increased pain in legs She fell down as soon as she tried to walk History of past illness Not a known case of diabetes, hypertension, thyroid, seizures She underwent hysterectomy 2 months back No blood transfusion recently Family history Not significant Personal history Sleep - inadequate Appetite - normal but causes nausea Bowel and bladder moments - regular Micturition - no burning sensation No addictions GENERAL EXAMINATION Built - moderate Nourishment - well nourished Pallor : present  Icterus: absent  Lymphadenopathy : absent  Clubbing: absent  Cyanosis: a

51yrs old male with complaints of pain abdomen and vomitings

CONSENT AND DEIDENTIFICATION :  The patient and the attenders have been adequately informed about this documentation and privacy of the patient is being entirely conserved. No identifiers shall be revealed through out the piece of work whatsoever A 51year old male farmer by occupation Has come to the op with chief complaints of  1) Pain abdomen since today morning  2) Vomiting HOPI:- Patient was appatently asymptomatic 3years back.He developed pain abdomen and vomitings for which he was diagnosed as acute pancreatitis at private hospital at nalgonda sanjeevani hospital, was admitted for 3days and subsided and got discharged. After 7 months he came to KIMS narketpally and got treated for some and got discharged at request and went to other hospital. patient came with abdominal discomfort and vomitings on aug 20 morning 8am Past history:-  Is a known case of Dm is on Rx since 10-12years Rx - T Glim m1 and T voglibose and glim m1 Is not a known case of HTN/CAD/Epilepsy Is a known alcoholi